Holman Automotive Leasing System

This project implemented Holman Automotive’s Leasing System. Based in Maple Shade, New Jersey, Holman Automotive was founded in 1924. The dealership sold Model T, Model A, and the first V-8 models during its early years. Today, the Holman Automotive Group consists of more than 40 operating companies. Including: automotive dealerships across the country, a leasing and auto retail finance company, an auto parts distributorship, a truck up-fitting business, and the largest privately-owned fleet leasing and management company in the country (ARI).
Back in 2003 the leasing operations had grown substantially so we worked with Holman to develop a “New Lease Requests”system. With this leasing system, users could fill out a simple form to lease a new vehicle.

As the user enters the vehicle information (year/make/style), the lease monthly price automatically updated on the screen. Lease terms came in 24, 36, 48 or 60 month increments. To calculate the price, a call using the HLG.dll API got the ALG base residual values based on the selected parameters.
Once obtaining the base residual value, the monthly price formula determined the monthly lease price. That formula took into account several factors such as interest rates, discounts, and local tax rates, all retrieved from the database. Once the user entered all of the vehicle information and saw the price, they would enter buyer information: name, address, SSN etc. Then, the user would see a screen to review the entire request before submitting it. Finally, if successful, the system provided an onscreen confirmation number and a link to return to the Main Menu.
The development environment at the time was in the windows operating system, Windows Server 2003. The development cycle included Visual Studio 2005, Visual Source Safe 2005, and SQL server 2000, IIS among other components.
The product developed worked successfully on the Windows operating system with Browser IE 5.0 or above. Additionally, total functionality and site features were approved prior to launching the system.
We developed all of the above lease manager forms basically the same exact same way as the ASPX forms in the dealer/salesmen’s front end. However, it followed a user-basis and it would adapt to lease managers.
We also implemented “View Lease Requests” – used by lease managers to review, approve or decline a lease request. This form gave lease managers the ability to filter/sort requests with the following fields: dealer, salesmen, date, buyer, vehicle make, vehicle model, and status. The default view for this form showed Pending Action orders sorted by oldest to newest request date. If a lease manager wanted to review the details of a request or act on a request, they clicked on a link for that request and go to the Request Details Form.
Iblesoft designed and developed the entire screen required for this project.