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Iblesoft is ISO certified and can be contracted to perform independent and non-biased software testing and analysis of your new product. Our test cases are concise and descriptive, including a pass/fail description and recommendations on how to address those items.

We also offer comprehensive software testing solutions ranging from performance to interoperability testing. These solutions help organizations achieve predictable software quality gains while reducing the time and cost associated with software testing activities through Iblesoft’s Global Delivery Model.


Testing Services


Iblesoft provides end-to-end Software services through domain experts who understand the process and systems implemented inside organizations.

Our technical expertise with current and emerging technologies provides clients with effective software product development, re-engineering, testing and IT staffing services across ISP, health care, technology, service & retail domains.


Iblesoft incorporates rapid, iterative testing techniques while also extensively employing prototyping, maintaining a different environment for development and testing and using required automation tools that enables us to work closely with our clients.

This way we can understand and adapt to their changing business needs.

Process & Methodology

As part of our software testing techniques is our specific process and methodology which is applied in three distinct phases: unit testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.

By following this process we are able to develop applications within the desired timeframe.

Process and Methodology

We begin the testing process by developing a comprehensive plan to test the general functionality and special features of the product on a variety of platform combinations. Strict quality control procedures are used.

The process verifies that the application meets the requirements specified in the system requirements document and is bug free.

At the end of each testing day, the team prepares a summary of completed and failed tests.

Our programmers address any identified issues, and then the application is resubmitted to the testing team until every item is resolved.

All changes and retesting are tracked through spreadsheets available to both the testing and programming teams. Applications are not allowed to launch until all identified problems are fixed.

A report is prepared at the end of testing to show exactly what was tested and to list the final outcomes.

acceptance test

Our software testing methodology is applied in three distinct phases: 

The programmers conduct unit testing during the development phase. Programmers can test their specific functionality individually or with other units. However, unit testing is designed to test small pieces of functionality rather than the system as a whole. This allows the programmers to conduct the first round of testing to eliminate bugs before they reach the testing staff.
The system is tested as a complete, integrated system. System testing first occurs in the development environment, but eventually is conducted in the production environment. Dedicated testers, project managers, or other key project staff performs system testing.
Functionality and performance testing are designed to catch bugs in the system, unexpected results, or other systemic problem that fall short of state requirements. The testers create detailed scenarios to test the strength and limits of the system. Editorial reviews not only correct typographical and grammatical errors, but also improve the system’s overall usability by ensuring that on-screen language is clear and helpful to users. Accessibility reviews ensure that the system is accessible to users with disabilities.
The software is assessed against the defined system requirements. The user or client conducts the testing in the production environment. Successful acceptance testing is required before client approval is sought.
Testing Life Cycle

The Iblesoft software testing life cycle is as follows:

Testing Life Cycle
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